Dado el contexto internacional, no hay mucho interés ni impacto en los mercados, un conflicto de intereses de unos 900 millones de euros entre dos países. La situación de 300.000 clientes británicos de IceSave y unos 90 administradores locales y entes públicos que acaparan esa cifra, se encuentran en el limbo de una decisión decidida por referéndum en el país de origen.
The solution to the failure of an Icelandic bank in the British Isles is not an easy decision because it will expand in time enough to occur otherwise similar. At the moment the country has already expressed in terms contrary to the payment of that debt.
La solución a la quiebra de un banco Islandés en Islas Británicas no es de fácil resolución dado que se dilatará en el tiempo lo suficiente para que ocurra otro caso similar. De momento el país ya se ha pronunciado en términos contrarios al pago de esa deuda.
A time has come after this type of eventuality which is no longer clear the responsibility of financial institutions or states, since we are melding private and public responsibilities.
To hear any person who applies logic, the Finnish state is severally liable for its banks regarding its international partners and will be the most rational option to the exorbitant debt that has in its portfolio.
Al entender de cualquier persona que aplique la lógica, el estado finlandés tiene responsabilidad solidaria para con sus bancos respecto a sus socios internacionales y será la opción más racional ante la desorbitada deuda que tiene en cartera.
A ratio to take account of Iceland is its people and debt, with these figures the order of more than 300,000 inhabitants and about 62,000 million of debt (12 times the size of its economy.) The final impact on the citizens of that country will be affected one way or another, sooner or later.
The question remains the same as with other toxic financial issues, how has been allowed that the regulators, institutions, qualifiers and states to allow this credit turmoil since the establishment was known to be the chimera of the system.
La pregunta sigue siendo la misma que con el resto de tóxicos financieros, cómo se ha permitido que los reguladores, instituciones, calificadores y estados permitan una vorágine de crédito que desde que se creó se sabía que era la quimera del sistema.
Now we hear implausible measures, such as Gordon Brown´s, to safeguard the savings of their countrymen, "we will resort to measures to freeze terrorist assets." It is clear that this statement was preceded by a publication of the Icelandic administration stating that would not guarantee deposits abroad.
The responsibility must be shared because they invested in Icelandic banks following the advice of Ministry of Economy to take the money where it would give higher returns. The highest figures correspond to the Kent County Council, £ 50 million Nottingham City Council, 42 million, Brent, 27 million pounds and the London borough of Westminster, with 17 million pounds.
Will have to see the real and the arbitral decision of this case because lay jurisprudence.
Habrá que ver el impacto real y la decisión arbitral de este asunto porque sentará jurisprudencia.
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